To Live As Christ

Remember to love

Remember To Love-To Live As Christ

Remember To Love-To Live As Christ

In a world where the voice of the accuser increases daily, I’m urged to remember to love.

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain. And most fools do. Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People

It takes a small man to find a flaw, but a great man to overlook it.

Criticism is an easy accomplice, but brings with him disunity. In a day where Twitter wars flare and incite thousands to join in, I can’t help be hear the call of wisdom to return our swords to their sheaths and humbly offer forgiveness — perhaps as we’ve been forgiven.

I’m not saying to turn off your brain — there is still such a thing as right and wrong, though many would have us forget this. And I’m not saying that blind acceptance is the answer; disobedience of God’s law still leads to death. But, especially as believers, we must move towards love as our first response.

Today, offer benevolent grace to someone. Extend understanding to someone who doesn’t deserve it. And lest I sound like I’m beating the drum of hippie lovers of the 60’s, consider that it was Christ who first knelt, drawing unknown marks in the sand, and replied, “Let the one who has no sin throw the first stone.” [John 8:7]

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