To Live As Christ

Thankful we don’t get what we deserve

Thankful we don't get what we deserve

Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.—Lamentations 3:22-23

There are times that I peek over the fence to see the “green grass” of my neighbor’s yard, or grumble along in my frustrations, wrongly presuming that I deserve better. I think to myself, “Why does life have to be so hard? I’m not a bad person.”

In reality, this thinking is quite foolish. When I slow my mind and my heart and think soberly about the situation, I realize that I don’t deserve anything. My heart, if left to itself, would only produce selfish desires and pride.

If I was given what I deserved, most days I’d get a swift wrapping upside the head; and truly, if God were to give me what I deserve for my “faithfulness”, His consuming fire would put a quick end to this life.

Yet, in His love, He has faithfully pursued me. He has sacrificially given Himself for me, as restitution for my disobedience. He has forgiven me with an undying love.

I deserve death, but He has broken the mold of “justice” and given me life instead; and His mercies are new every morning. Hallelujah!

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