In light of the recent “Batman Massacre” shooting, most people today are taken aback and emotionally reeling, trying to get a mental grip on this new reality.
I’m among them and distressed by this. I am so sorry for the losses of the families involved.
Living in Colorado now, we are inundated by non-stop coverage of the event and it seems to me that the media is taking advantage of this tragedy to boost their business and sensationalize something that should not be abused. It’s really quite frustrating and sick; I’m saddened by this. I wish it wasn’t this way.
However, as a Christ-follower, while trying to gain some moral and spiritual perspective on this event I am reminded of the verse that says:
And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately.
-Matthew 24:6 (NLT)
My brain says, “how could this happen” and intuitively I want to point at the over-saturation of death reported in the media, murder in movies and senseless violence in video games. But the reality is that, whether some choice to believe it or not, without Christ, we have no moral basis for absolute truth. Without the word of God, we have no higher law to follow. Without the Holy Spirit, we have no internal compass pointing us back towards holiness.
Christians are not perfect — no, far from it. But those that pursue the Lord are moving towards a moral “center” and returning to our original design, to be in intimate loving communion with God.
So don’t be surprised when the world is in disarray. Pray, love and draw near to God.