For a while I’ve had this thought that the symbol of the cross, while central to history and our salvation, has been mired and muddied by rap stars, movie stars, basketball players and “religious” persons who don’t know the first thing about love. This is due to a lack of proper teaching in reference to the cross. The cross is a symbol of victory; of the God of the universe, humbled next to thieves, bearing our deserved punishment because we couldn’t. The cross of Christ is precious and holy and absolutely necessary. Yet, we see it now through glazed-over eyes, if we even see it at all.
A year or so ago, I was reading “Jesus for President” by Shaine Claiborne and Chris Haw. They help restore of view of Christ as our valiant King who came as a sacrificial lamb.
As we remind ourselves about what Christ actually did, I try to take in the fact that the rightful King of creation was murdered in such a humble way. I’m sobered and humbled by that. But the story didn’t and doesn’t end there.
The cross in that day was the equivalent of the electric chair in ours. A despised and horrid vehicle of death. I think it’s crazy and worrisome that we wear them so casually–and we should remind ourselves of the cross. But I suppose that we continue reminding ourselves of His story.
For me, the empty tomb is what captures the essence of Christ’s power and resurrection. Many thousands were crucified; but they stayed dead. On the third day, our Lord conquered the grave.
I write this to remind you of the gospel of truth. Our savior died for us, was victor over death and is coming back. Turn your heart to Jesus and let Him heal your wounds and stand as substitute for your rebellious heart.