I’m still making my way through Tozer’s book, “Reclaiming Christianity” (don’t do the math to see how long it’s taken me to finish it–I’m a slow reader). I re-recommend it; it’s been such a breathe of fresh air and a reminder of scriptural truth.
Tozer made a great point today, asking this:
“If God were to strip the churches from all that man is doing and leave only what He has done or is doing, we would trim the average church back down to a nubbin*. There would not be enough left to have a decent service. But all these churches are running on their own steam; they have learned how.”
*Nubbin- Had to look this one up. It’s something underdeveloped, similar to a nub.
This question cuts deep and prompts some honest soul-searching. Tozer died in 1963, so he must have written this at least 50 years ago, yet very little has changed.
Personally, I suggest that the question we should be asking, in order to avoid finger-pointing is this: If God were to strip us as individuals down, removing all our efforts to reveal His work, what would be left? If our week’s schedules were stripped down to events that God has prompted and led, would our “Kingdom calendar” be pretty bare? In short, where is God apart from ourselves?
This is a question I’m sitting with. I don’t think it’s easily answered. Search your heart, your strivings and your schedules. What in your life is a direct result of God’s leading? Are we getting along just fine? I argue that if we feel we are, we are in grave, eternal danger.