When faced with a decision, especially one requiring trust and sacrifice — looking forward into the unknown and leaving behind the security and comfort of the familiar — there is one primary concept at work that has been bubbling to the surface lately. That is, “If you’ve heard from the Lord, move forward into the unknown.”
We are such creatures of habit. We love the familiar. We trust the tried, true and tested and fear “new” and “different”. But if we are to believe that, as Christians, we’re not simply biding our time here on earth, awaiting a “chariot to carry us home”, but instead that God has invited us into an adventure of epic and eternal proportions — here, now, forever — then gripping the armchair of comfort is not choosing His best for us.
Do you believe that God wants to pull you out of the mundane? Can you dream with me for a second that “normal” is not God’s design for your few decades of earthly existence?
Stop. Listen closely. Be still. You can almost smell the aroma of heaven, inviting you into a story far greater than your wildest imaginations; a story of redemption, wholeness, victorious trials and intimate relationship with a king, creator and friend.
Your next decision beckons you homeward. Will you choose fear and security, or will you stand at the mountain’s edge and step off into the wild journey of faith? I pray you might move forward into the unknown.