Lately, I have sensed an awakening. It may just be in my own heart, but I hope that is not the case. It is true that God is always on the move and awakening us to new wonders. He dusts us off and breaks us from rusty chains that bind us. He breaths life into our spiritually dead bodies – and it is good.
Specifically, I’m encountering a re-awakening of the love of prayer. In all humility and honesty, I admit that prayer is not easy for me, nor do I spend countless hours before Him. But it is in that weakness that I share the joy that I am receiving through the study and practice of the discipline of prayer. Hearing stories of strangers being healed out of their wheelchairs in Target, or knowing that sin patterns are being destroyed has been encouraging me to draw nearer to this gift of prayer.
I encourage you, and even beg you, to consider where you stand in this area. You may have never prayed a prayer in your life and have no idea where to start — or even a desire to start at all. That’s of little importance; the important thing is that you must at least be clear on it. Coming to God with an honest prayer, saying “Lord, I honestly don’t even desire to pray to you right now… change my heart”, is all that it takes. The world needs men and women who are stepping out in prayer for the sake of others and the Kingdom. So, join me, in my weakness, and let’s walk towards God in this practice of prayer.